SAL Limo’s main goal is to ensure the health and safety of our customers and staff. We are following Federal, State, and Local health guidelines as well as public safety regulations along with CDC guidelines adhering to strict sanitation procedures.
SAL Limo recommends all passengers wear a protective face covering. If a passenger prefers not to wear a protective face covering, the driver may refuse to transport that passenger.
If a driver feels uncomfortable with providing transport to a visibly sick passenger for safety reasons, the driver can choose to refuse transport.
ALC Limo does NOT provide protective face coverings or gloves to passengers. It is the passenger’s responsibility to provide their own.
Chauffeurs are assessed for the following symptoms prior to beginning their shift.
The following procedures have also been implemented regarding the safety of our chauffeurs and cleaning of vehicles:
• Our Company performs temperature and wellness checks on every chauffeur at the beginning of each shift.
• A thorough cleaning of each vehicle’s interior and exterior is being conducted daily.
• CDC-approved cleaning supplies have been provided to each chauffeur to be used between trips.
• Vehicle-approved sanitary fogging.
• Interior surfaces are being wiped down and sprayed before and after each trip.
• Chauffeurs are always required to wear face masks with the customer in the vehicle.
• All sharable items have been removed from the backseat pockets of each vehicle.
• Chauffeurs will ONLY handle luggage with gloves.
• Chauffeurs will limit contact with the client and avoid the shaking of hands.
As is our normal practice, we instruct all employees to seek medical care immediately if they feel ill or run a temperature. Of course, we do not allow any visibly sick employees to report to work. We are encouraging our team members who can work effectively from home to do so, minimizing in-office staffing levels.
More detailed information from the CDC and be found here:
For all types of premium transportation.
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734 NE 90th St, Miami, FL 33138, United States